Saturday, February 22, 2020

Com 425 Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Com 425 Week 4 - Essay Example The arguments of the article may seem obvious, but the author has a point. Many people send and receive emails without prior consideration of who is being addressed. There is need to evaluate and assess all parties involved, appreciate their position within the business line and consequently address them accordingly. It is important to uphold mutual respect in such email exchanges. The tips provided seem obvious, but they are equally essential. The author of the article has identified mishaps in sending and receiving of emails between and among communicating parties. Some of the presented cases and points to remember are rather an application of mere common sense. However, the same points are hardly applied b senders and receivers of emails. The article may be analyzed for and against its arguments. Most of the tips however are sensible and should be observed when sending emails. Ignorance of such tips is likely to trigger misunderstandings or conflict of interest in business undertakings when the recipient gets different information from an email other than the one intended by the sender (Heather & Graves, 2011). The only tip that appears kind of absurd is that of watching one’s tone when composing an email. This is a hard to determine as the sender composes an email. Due to the ambiguity associated and brought about by the watch your tone tip, the author should have outlined a way through which email senders can evaluate the tone of their composed emails before sending them. The tip should have been elaborated and a guideline to determining one’s tone in writing provided. Computer-mediated communication is integral to almost every bit of sending and receiving information. Technological advancements have aided this process with computer communication making a contemporary mode of communication around the world. Knowledge and skills of computer use have highly increased.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Pain And Suffering Of The Voiceless People In Cinema Essay

The Pain And Suffering Of The Voiceless People In Cinema - Essay Example The necessity of resorting to non-verbal communication is indeed apparent in the film, for the obvious reason that the perceived victims in the film are voiceless and powerless. In the absence of words, what is left for them is body language, through dance accompanied by music. The definition of dance as a form of expression that uses bodily movements that are rhythmic, patterned, sometimes improvised, found in every culture and is performed for purposes ranging from the ceremonial, liturgical and magical to the theatrical, social and simply aesthetics (Britannica 2011), relatively connects with the film. The music that was devoid of words and the dances were quite entertaining in the film. The movements were expressive, which was demonstrative of the reflex response of the children when in danger, which is to either flee or let go to hide the fear. The choreography is in support of the desire of the captured children to immediately do something about the negative emotion bottled up inside their system, which they hope to free. The competition in the capital city of Kampala was again entertaining, the excitement can be likened to the much-talked-about worldwide show, â€Å"American Idol.† Through their participation in that competition, they were out to prove that they can be giants amidst the suffering in their real life. The value of the dance however in this film and the beats of the drums, set some limitation concerning the messages that are needed to be said in public, which at times, only words can do. Emotionally, in a personal context for the children, they were able to pretend that everything can be alright, but in general, the hope for help and call for rescue are quite elusive.